

I offer instruction in knitting, spinning, wool processing and dying. Keep an eye on this space for upcoming classes near you or reach out to schedule private instruction for a group or an indvidual.

Fun for all ages!

Learn how to make your own clothes, whether it be all the way from sheep to sweater or simply learning how to knit a scarf as a gift. You can help reduce the demand for fast fashion and make your own sustainable and mindful pieces of clothing.


REclaimED (Poultney Maker Space) Classes

@169 Main St, Poultney, VT 05764

Indigo Japanese Tie-Dye Class (May 9th @6:30)

This class will introduce how to set up a natural indigo dye vat as well as introducing some traditional Japanese techniques for tie dye, known as shibori. Participants are encouraged to bring 2-3 items of clothing or other textiles they wish to dye, preferably of natural material such as cotton or wool (though cotton blends are often fine). Participants will leave class with their beautifully dyed indigo textiles and the resources to be able to repeat the process at home on other items.  Please register at least 24 hours in advance by either emailing or texting (970)-471-4691, the sooner the better! Class fee is collected the day of the class. Appropriate for ages 10+. 

Class cost $20

Class length: 1.5 hours

Number of slots available: 12

Visible Mending (June 6th @ 6:30)

This class will teach the skills needed to transform your worn, ripped clothing into practical and wearable pieces of art through the use of creative patchwork, embroidery and darning techniques. Visible mending has been used throughout the centuries to create a little good from an unfortunate mishap to a favorite item of clothing. It has been popularized recently by people like Arnounna Khounnoraj, Tom Van Deijnen and others. Pin looms, darning and patching among other techniques will be introduced during this class. Instructor and the maker space will provide repair materials, just bring your ripped and worn clothes to work on. Ages 8+

Class length: 1 hour

Spots : 12

Cost: $20 per person

Japanese Indigo Tie-dye (June 27th @ 6:30)

This class will teach techniques from the ancient art of Japanese tie-dye, known as shibori. Students will learn about the styles of shibori, how to set up an indigo vat and then given time to apply those techniques on items they brought from home. This class is an excellent way to revitalize old clothing and textiles into something that will continue to be loved and used. Ages 10+

Class length: 2 hours

Spots: 12

Cost: $20/person


Silk Eco-Printing (July 18th @ 6:30)

This class will use plants and flowers grown at the instructors farm as well as plants and flowers foraged from the surrounding area to create lovely printed silhouettes on silk fabric. Silk picks up the natural color of the individual plants and is a lovely way to record a bit of the summer. This class will go over the technique of eco-printing, design and fabric considerations as well as give students time to explore and design their own beautiful silk scarves. 1 silk scarf included with class price, additional silk scarves can be purchased through the instructor for $5 each. Ages 8+

 Class length: 1 hour

 Spots: 12

 Cost: $20/person


Spinning Wheel 101 (July 25th @ 6:00)

This class will teach the step by step process of how to turn carded wool into your own beautiful handspun using a spinning wheel. This class is intended for both raw beginners as well as folks who may have some experience with a drop spindle or a wheel. Folks who have a working spinning wheel are welcome to sign up and bring their own wheel. Folks who need to borrow a wheel for the class need to let the instructor know when they sign up and will be available on a first come first served basis since there are only a few wheels available. If you have a spinning wheel and are unsure that it will work for this class, please contact the instructor who will help you assess your wheel. Local wool will be provided from the instructor’s farm at no extra cost, but you are welcome to bring your own fiber.

Class length: 2 hours

Spots: 6

Cost: $45/person

Silk Eco-Printing (August 1st @ 6:30)

This class will use plants and flowers grown at the instructors farm as well as plants and flowers foraged from the surrounding area to create lovely printed silhouettes on silk fabric. Silk picks up the natural color of the individual plants and is a lovely way to record a bit of the summer. This class will go over the technique of eco-printing, design and fabric considerations as well as give students time to explore and design their own beautiful silk scarves. 1 silk scarf included with class price, additional silk scarves can be purchased through the instructor for $5 each. Ages 8+

Class length: 1 hour

Spots: 12

Cost: $20/person


Back to School Mending and Altering Extravaganza – August 8th 5-8

This open workshop is designed to help you get all your clothes and textiles ready for the next season. If you are struggling with that mending pile, not sure how to fix or alter a garment this open workshop is for you! Sewing machines will be set up, pin looms will be available, baskets of beautiful scrap fabric, thread and other patching materials will be free for use in the textile studio. Drop in for an hour or stay for the entire time, this time is set aside for you. Instructors will be around for advice and help, but the idea is to share your skills and learn from others in a comfortable and motivating environment.

Class length: 3 hours

Spots: Unlimited

Cost: $5 donation